Accredited Registrars

In the fall of 1999, ICANN chose a list of accredited registrars as alternative suppliers to Network Solutions to register domain names. Any of these registrars can register a domain name, and so they compete on cost and extra services. Many of them support the nonprofit group CoreNIC.

Because of their unique history with the system, Network Solutions has implemented a registry site to be shared with all of the accredited registrars who pay a fee, and so, because of their history, Network Solutions still retains a singular responsibility for the operation of the net.

The IANA CCLTD Database maintains a list of the registrars for countries, with the web address listed on the right of the page. For example, the following sites provide domain name registration services in various country top-level domains.

Canadian Registration Services (.ca domain)

Danish NIC (.dk domain)

DENIC (.de domain)

Mexican Registration Services (.mx domain)

UK Domain Registration Services (.uk domain)

US Government (.gov domain)

The following sites provide domain name registration services in various miscellaneous top-level domains.

Asia-Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC)

American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

RIPE NCC (Reseau IP Europeens)

US Department of Defence (.mil domain)

US Domain Registration Services (.us domain)
The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center handles disputes over the ownership of domain names.

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